About Loans Acceptable

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Flip van Zyl and I began Loans Acceptable at the Gezina branch in Pretoria, as the first and only branch on 1 July  2007. Now Loans Acceptable exists out of a few more branches and a dynamic team that work together. My wish for every individual is that he / she must have financial freedom in their life. Thank you for the time you spent paging through our website. I hope you found something we can assist you with, as we strive to provide all consumers with financial and better life products. God bless.

Loans Acceptable is responsible for the creations (commodity) IP and the concession holder. The concession holder did appoint an independent organization to do the administration and supporting office for the concessions operating business.

Loans Acceptable provides personal loans, home loans & second bonds, motor vehicle financing and many more to customers through all banks as well as financial institutions. These services are provided regardless of the customer’s credit record but based on their affordability. Loans Acceptable and participating companies, comply with the New National Credit Act, which was enforced on 1 June 2007. Our goal at Loans Acceptable is to provide in all our customers’ needs by providing a variety of products, also if their Loan Application was declined.

This golden opportunity for your own profitable business is only depending on your attitude, commitment, self-motivation, and drive to succeed.




Seven years later, and we are stronger than ever before. I did grow a few extra grey hairs and gained a few extra pounds. I kept the same shirt and suite, especially for this picture, and I hope it will fit when the next picture will be taken in 2021. Lol.

Seven years of hard work, dedication, commitment, and hands-on involvement from myself has passed, and with pride I can say that Loans Acceptable has grown every year, from one staff member to 25 staff members today. We started operating seven years ago from a home office environment, and today Loans Acceptable is also the proud owner of a house of 450 square meters, that was renovated and converted into our new offices at  760 27th avenue Rietfontein Pretoria.

A very special  thank you , to all the staff, all our loyal clients and all our brokers in the broker network that was built through the years, who helped us to grow the business in the past 7 years. Our success and growth are all a result of your commitment and loyal support.  We did grow in our loan product range, and we are now also able to assist all our declined clients with solutions to their financial situations if a loan was not granted. See the page,  Referral Options for Declined Loan Applications  for a broader explanation. This option was a financial relief for 80% of our declined loan applicants in the past two years.  Loans Acceptable is still proud to daily live by the original Vision, Mission and Value statement, and it will be our endeavour to always give a high standard of service to every loan applicant, now and in the future.

In 2010 Loans Acceptable re-registered with the NCR as a financial credit provider, and registered as Loans Acceptable Funding PTD LTD. Since then, Loans Acceptable Funding started to lend out small payday loans to local clients. Our focus for the next 7 years will be to grow our current business under the umbrella of the Acceptable Group. Over time I noticed and experienced first-hand that Loans Acceptable Funding will always be in business, no matter what financial implications, such as a recession, is experienced in SA.

The company and I, will continue to do honest business in the financial industry, serve our clients with dignity, respect, and keep our promise to treat all clients’ personal information as private and confidential. We will continue to grow financially, and train our staff to be competent, productive, and able to assist all possible loan applications.

Once again, I thank every single person for their contribution to our success and promise to keep by our motto  “We exceed your expectations”



And again another 7 years has gone by.  As promised, I kept the same suit, tie, and shirt, exclusively for this very picture. (Not promised for the next picture in 2028).  Completely grey now, (but thanks to boot camp, no extra pounds) I say HALLO to our clients of the past 14 years, and the future 114 years to come.  Now 14 years of still the same hard work, dedication, and commitment as what I promised when I started Loans Acceptable, I am blessed to be able to give you another 7-year update.

Not only have we grown in staff members, (from 1 to 25 in the first 7 years), over the last 7 years, we have expanded from ONE Company to FOUR individually owned and registered companies.

Loans Acceptable are serving more and more clients per month. We are currently assisting approximately 600 applications per month with a high success rate.


Loans Acceptable               www.loansacceptable.co.za                   Loans and referrals

Acceptable Debt                www.acceptabledebt.co.za                    Debt Counsellors

Acceptable Auto                www.acceptableauto.co.za                    Vehicle Related

Acceptable Collections        www.acceptablecollections.co.za           Debt Collecting and Tracing

Loans Acceptable Funding PTY (LTD) has now been in existence for 14 years as a registered credit provider and we still have the same business plan as when we started. Loans Acceptable refer all declined loan applications to outside companies where clients are offered alternative solutions to better their future financial situations.  Out of this practice a new Company was born in 2021.

Acceptable Group  PTY LTD, is now the umbrella Company, that the others are trading under and all businesses with their own identity, registrations, and different independent ownership. This was done to grow the name (Acceptable Group®) to a well-known financial brand name, for client’s solutions where they suffer under debt. The company name,  Acceptable Group®, Logo's, and all companies associated with the Group, are  Trademark  and  Copy Right  protected. Acceptable Group®, have several web pages where we advertise, and where clients can apply for any of our services. All are POPI act compliant. These web pages are as follows:

Ayobaloans                     www.ayobaloans.co.za

Speedyloans                    www.speedyloans.co.za

Dotloans                                www.dotloans.co.za

Iloans                         www.iloans.co.za

Car Finance                                www.car-finance.co.za

Need-a-loan                    www.need-a-loan.co.za

The aim for the future is to grow Acceptable Group®, and we are inviting other related companies to be part of this growth, with their own registrations and ownership.

All the above, and the fact that we have been here for 14 years is proof, that I, the owner, PJ v Zyl and the business, is by no means, a "fly by night" or a "scam" but is most definitely here to stay.

The group was able in the past 7 years, to sub divide our office building to accommodate all 4 companies under one roof, and even have enough room for future growth. Our financials are looking better every year and will stay stable and growing.


From my heart, I am thanking my staff, for their dedication, extremely hard work and very long hours. Also, a special thank you to every client who puts their trust in us to help them through difficulties. But most of all, I thank You, God, for the blessings that You have showered upon me and my staff, for providing in abundance, in every aspect of our lives, and for keeping every one of us safe and sound for the last 7 years, and more to come.